Friday, March 3, 2017

Orange Hitler Just Screwed Us Again - The AG Can't Investigate Himself

   The exact same day Senator Jeff Sessions was sworn in as Attorney General of the United States, Donald Trump secretly, and without any fanfare did something most people don't even realize he did.
   Knowing full well that Sessions lied at his Senate confirmation hearing about meeting with the Russian ambassador, Trump signed an executive order that changed the succession at the Justice Department.
   In years past, if the Attorney General resigned, the Deputy Attorney General would assume his/her duties. Makes sense, right? Made sense to all presidents... until Trump.
   Now, if (when) the Attorney General resigns or recuses himself, his position will be assumed by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia--Dana Boente. This is the guy Trump also appointed as "acting Deputy Attorney General" when he fired the Deputy Attorney General for doing her job.
   Where's the independent special prosecutor?
   How about a Ken Starr to look into this? Or a Leon Jaworski? Or an Archibald Cox?
   Why was Watergate or Bill Clinton's person conduct important enough for a special prosecutor, but Orange Hitler and his Tangerine Minions' ties to Russia are not?
   Here's why--because the law lapsed in 1999. Now, the sole person responsible for deciding whether a special prosecutor should be appointed is the Attorney General. And since the Attorney General cannot prosecute or investigate himself, his successor, Trump's hand-picked successor, is the only person with that authority.
   So it ain't happening.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Using The Death of a Navy Seal for Political Reasons

   I want to make one thing perfectly clear before I start ranting--during my 26 years of daily service, I never went to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, or anywhere else in combat.
   I was on active duty during Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield, but I was a Personnel officer -- a CW4 in charge of teams preparing soldiers to deploy overseas. I didn't go to war--I made sure soldiers going to war had all their personal business in order before they left. I took a lot of pride in that and I made damn sure the government didn't screw over some kid who was leaving his wife and 2 year old child for a year to fight a war that never should have happened in the first place.
   So yeah--I was "activated" and served on active duty during both operations, but I never left CONUS (the Continental United States). A lot of my friends did, but I got extremely lucky. And I was lucky to be very good at administration and not very good with a gun.
   Now, let's take a look at Donald Trump's address to the Congress of the United States last night...
   He's an inexperienced chicken hawk who discussed the operation in Yeman over dinner the night before it was approved. He didn't have the intel necessary to approve the operation, but he, his 34-year-old real estate broker son-in-law, and his white supremacist dickhead adviser Steve "Brietbart" Bannon all decided, "Fuck it--let's do it--it'll be fun!!"
   What happened?
   A Navy SEAL, Ryan Owens, was killed--along with a little girl (an American citizen)--and 12 other people. According to the Pentagon, the mission was a failure. No intelligence was obtained; the mission should never have been authorized.
   And what did this pathological piece of shit "Commander-in-Chief" do? 
   First, he had his little punk press secretary who never spent a day in uniform lie about the operation and say it was a success despite the Pentagon's assessment.
   Then he went on "Fox and Friends" and said the operation was already planned before he was elected and he had nothing to do with it.
   Then, he used the wife of this slain American Navy SEAL who was just doing his job, as a sympathy prop at his address to Congress. He used her and then made an asinine comment about the length of the applause justifying Chief Petty Officer Owens' death.
   Was that moment, with Owens’s widow in attendance, moving and sad? Absolutely. Did the American people rally around their president because of it? Without a doubt.
    And it was also one of the most cynical things Donald Trump has done as president so far. 
Why? Because he did it after evading any responsibility for Carryn Owens' husband's death. The only reason this mission was approved was that intelligence told Trump that the Obama administration was reluctant to do it because it was dangerous and would yield no results.
   And that's all it took for Trump to give the nod to go ahead. He'd show Obama how it should be done.
   He got a Navy SEAL and a little kid killed for nothing--and he's already forgotten all about them--he couldn't even read CPO Owens' information correctly from the teleprompter because he didn't care one bit about him.

More Lies - This Time About "Paid Protesters"

   Sometimes it just gets to be too much.
   Now the White House and Republican politicians claim the anti-Trump / anti-Republican policies protesters are being paid to throw a monkey wrench into their town hall meetings or the president's thinly disguised campaign rallies like the one he held last week in Melbourne, Florida.
   Paid by whom?
   Well, Trump claimed that they were being organized by none other than former president Barack Obama who's actually been on vacation since leaving the White House in January. It's as if Trump feels he can go on Fox & Friends and blither the most ridiculous things while viewers at home scream, "Yeah!!"
   Well, it's not "as if" he feels that way. He does feel that way. And the reason he feels that way is because it's true--they'll scream, "Yeah!!" at whatever nonsense he spouts. Because he's Donald Trump. And they like him because in the back of their heads, they remember that he fired people once... and it wasn't them.
   So, Trump wants the American people to believe there would be no protests against him or other Republicans if it weren't for Obama and the Democrats organizing and paying protesters.
   Now, granted, The Democratic National Committee shot itself in the foot during the campaign--and they got caught screwing Bernie Sanders because they'd already decided Hillary Clinton was going to be their nominee--but don't you think if they had enough money to pay for protestors, they would have gone about it differently?
   I don't know... maybe they would have used that money to pay supporters to attend Clinton rallies?
   Because if you honestly believe they decided to hold on to their campaign funds and lose the election so they could hire protesters to go out and shout because they lost the election, you're probably not very bright. Which, of course, is what Trump and his henchmen are banking on.

Screwing The Veterans and Lying About It

   Donald Trump just said, "My budget also puts America first by keeping tax dollars in America to help veterans and first responders."
   This is the same FAKE NEWS he's forever whining about: In fact, the defense budget has nothing to do with veterans or first responders--that money comes out of a whole different pot.
   It does not come out of the defense budget.
   The US Department of Veterans Affairs is not under the Defense Department--it's a separate agency. 

   Please don't believe this scam just because it came out of the Fuhrer's mouth. It's a lie--and he's banking on you not knowing the difference.
   That's an insult to the American people and it's also an insult to America's veterans--even to the ones who actually don't know the difference.
   We have homeless veterans out on the street--we have disabled veterans who can't get a job--we have first responders with life-threatening diseases who can't get medical care.
   And he claims his ridiculous $54B boost in defense spending is going to help this problem? That is either irresponsibly stupid or it's a lie. Believe whichever you'd like about the president, but you've got to believe one or the other--either he's an idiot or a liar. Take your pick.
   Don't let this wannabe dictator pull the wool over your eyes with all his rah-rah-sis-boom-bah bullshit. Don't let this chest-thumping "Make America Great" crap blind you as to what's really going on here.
   He's screwing veterans and first-responders and he's lining the pockets of his buddies in the military industrial complex.

Pay to Play

Prior to the 2106 campaign, Trump was having a very serious "cash flow" problem and was about to default on a loan to Deutsche Bank.
A Russian billionaire friend of Putin's was in the middle of a nasty divorce and was looking to hide as much money as possible from his wife by investing in expensive real estate. This billionaire is a majority stockholder in Deutsche Bank. He bought a $40M house from Trump for $100M.
The man in charge of Deutsche Bank was Wilbur Ross.
Wilbur Ross was sworn in as Secretary of Commerce today.
This is a clear and present danger